Saturday, April 2, 2011

Top ten essential blog submission directory

Internet is full of blog directory which would return you the best nobody would tell you that,most of the directories are struggling for traffic while others are qued up some need you to pay them and some placce a button or two on your site.. The 10 sites are  <a href='
></b> its a free registration site with a reciprocal link you can get 50 to 100 visitor from this site
bloglines=very simple and straight forward site and claiming your site a difficult task very selective site they dont approve every blog site in india only gives you fair amount of backlink
topofblogs=free simple submission site but indexing is slow
blogadda =free simple site may prove worthy in long term listing only need to approve your site but once listed its worthy every penny
blogs,com=easy listing and shows  in listing
british blogs=a link from these is worthy,but its repeats its link in your webpage so watch out there
globe of = a begainer site but may prove worthy in long term =a begainer site but worth the effort = a intermiediate site gives you a decent visitor for your site
readblogs.come=easy and fair listing but how much traffic i not seen any
bloggs=simple and straight
blograting=they first rate then approve on email easy to list and search result increases in google
blgramma = need to paid up dont know the resultne
spillbeans=need to be paid up
boing boing=i could not find the submit page but they need to be paid
dmoz= worthe free llisting if approved
yahoo=cost 300 bucks to get listed
blogapedia=just another site to get listed in
<B>search engine submission</B>
beside blogs you should try seach engine submission people dont go to blog directory this day they use search engine only top few directory like technorati comes in mind. visit this site web site for a shortcut you can do it your self i do my and repeat every 90 dayswho know they forget.
happy blogging and do come back and share
you are important always



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